2013年5月30日 星期四


                AUGUST 20, 2012


When you're starting out (or even if you've been an artist for a long time) it's essential that you have the strongest foundation you can. The first lines you lay down, or poses you block in, set the tone for everything that comes after it, building on top of each other like a stack of blocks. Here are some things to keep in mind when at that extremely important starting line.

在你初涉动画时(甚至即便你已经从业多年),至关重要的一件事情就是尽可能的将基础夯实。你最初画下的每幅草图,勾勒出的每个姿势,都在为整个作品定下基 调,你的工作就如同堆积木一样,从根基层层向上堆砌。下面我们就来讨论一下站在那根极其重要的起跑线上时心中应该牢记那些事项。

I was recently discussing practice with a young animator, and he was clear that his life drawing needed work. Posting some examples I could see much of what held me back for many years in his drawings. The issue was that they were flat and lacked depth. The key to fixing such things is to start with a solid foundation.



Without real, dimensional shapes underneath, all you're doing is laying down flat lines.You need to think around forms from the very beginning, much like Glen Keane discusses in this example.

如果没有逼真的三维轮廓做基础,那么你所画的就是一堆平面线条。你需要从一开始就在脑海中勾画出整体构造,如同Glen Keane在这个例子中所指出的那样。

One Block on Top of the Next 

Think of it as if you were building a castle out of wooden blocks. If you want it to stand the test of time (or the wrath of a curious little sister) you need to be sure that it is stable from the very first block and up. That means that when you rough in the initial shapes you're building on, you want to be certain to get it right. If it's wrong, and you can see it's wrong, don't move on to placing the next block (say, the eyes on top of the head). First adjust the foundation, that original shape, until you are satisfied.

试想你正在用积木堆一个城堡。如果你希望它经得起时间或一个好奇心的小妹妹的考验,那么你必须确保它根基稳固。换句话说,在勾勒它的大体形状时,你就应该 思虑周全。如有不妥之处,且你已然觉察,那就不必再继续(就比如,把眼睛放到头顶能行吗)。先把基础打好,把那个最初的框架调整到你满意的程度,再进行下 一步。


As you practice, it will become much faster to line things up correctly, but at first TAKE YOUR TIME. No one is rushing you to finish (and if they are, tell them to relax). Better to get it right one step at a time than to try and set a speed record and end up with a very wobbly end result.


Applying it to Animation

In the same way, when you begin any animation you need a solid foundation. This is normally achieved in good timing, composition, and posing. If you block out a piece in 3D or play your animatic in keyframes and see one aspect that doesn't quite fit, NOW is the time to fix it. Don't just move on, or one of the foundation blocks at the bottom of your tower is going to be wobbly. As you stack more blocks on top of it (keys, breakdowns, or in betweens) eventually the whole thing will fall apart, and you'll wonder where you went wrong. A little more time now will prevent a ton of headache later!

同理,做任何动画也都需要一个扎实的基础,它通常包括恰当的时间节奏、妥帖的合成以及合理的姿势。如果在你构建一段3D动画框架或在播放关键帧样片的时候 发现有任何不妥之处,立即停下来做修缮。不要置之不理冒然继续,那样只会让你的大厦从根基处就开始歪斜。继续往上堆砌(关键帧、分解帧或中间帧),只会导 致大厦最终轰然倒塌,而彼时你还会不解究竟是何处出错。此刻的一分钟,可以省去将来的十日功!
If it needs fixed, fix it. No amount of work later will hide that it's broken.

Be Wary of Getting Stuck

All this is fine and good, but you have to balance it with moving forward. Sometimes a piece of work will still fail, and that's alright. Learn from it and keep going. Work that new knowledge into your next piece. As time goes on, and you practice, it will get easier, quicker, and you'll gain confidence. In the meantime don't be afraid to take your time and get your foundations rock solid.




